Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 16 ~ Someone or Something You Definitely Could Live Without.

I have to say that for me this would be cigarettes.

I smoked for 20 years, give or take a few years, and I never thought that I could do it.

I did it for Ashleigh for her birthday - May 2010.  I quit cold turkey, and have to say that it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be.  It was a little easier because I had become a 'habit' smoker - if I was talking on the phone I had to go outside and smoke, on a lunch break I had to smoke real quick.  I wasn't 'addicted,' and didn't crave the nicotine.  If I didn't smoke a cigarette all day - I would be fine.

The first few weeks were a little tough, and I certainly gave quite a few toothpicks hell, but it was worth it.

I do have to admit that my timing could have been better.  In the same time frame of quitting smoking I was taken off caffeine.  I don't know how I made it through anything without either one of those vices.

I am so happy that I decided to do it.  I feel better, my clothes, and car don't stink.   I don't stink.  I can be around a smoker now and nearly gag at the smell sometimes.

So, to you cigarettes - suck it.  I don't need you.

1 comment:

  1. yea YOU! I need to quit too. I was almost there ... then ... well you know.
    I need to just do it. I have until May this year ... for my daughter's graduation.
