Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 11 ~ Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

Yea, I am going with the hair on this one.

I have to say that it took me a long damn time to appreciate that I had natural red hair.  I was teased relentlessly by kids at school well into 7th and 8th grade.  I was the freak with the funny colored hair and freckles - some things never change!   I also learned very young of the stigma that comes with being a redhead.  I was supposed to be this fiery, passionate, hot-tempered, and emotional creature, and again, some things never change.

I think it was high school that I finally started to realize just how cool it was.  Guys looked at me differently.  There was, besides a general interest in the difference, a fear in their eyes, and that kicked ass.

In reading through the history of the redhead - we were treated pretty shitty.  The belief that we are in a constant state of rage comes from, unofficially, the fact that the Scots with their high percentage of red haired people are descended from the Celts, notoriously violent warriors. 

In Egypt, many pharos had red hair, even Ramses, but with their superstition came the belief that the color red was unlucky and many redheads were burnt to death to wipe out the tint. Stories still persist that redheads were buried alive.

The Greeks thought that we all turned into vampires after we died.  Aristotle described redheads as being 'emotionally un-housebroken.'  What does that even mean?

I have read that ancient Romans paid a very high premium for redheaded slaves.  The most famous, and best of all, is that redheads are witches.  Apparently, this came about during the Spanish Inquisition as flame colored hair was evidence that the owner had stolen the fire of hell and had to be burned as a witch. In Corsica, if you pass a redhead in the street you are supposed to spit and turn around. It is unclear if that is supposed to bring good luck or because redheads leave a bad taste in your mouth.

Russian tradition declares that red hair is both a sign of a fiery temper and craziness, and a proverb warns, 'There was never a saint with red hair.'   Indeed, red hair does figure in the bible.  The word Adam is supposedly the Hebrew word for 'red' or 'ruddy', and Judas is often portrayed with red hair as is Mary Magdalene.  King David is thought to have been a redhead, and some even believe the 'Mark of Cain' to actually be red hair.

It's not all bad, though - King Arthur had red hair, and it was told that a red haired leader would come to lead the country in times of trouble.  Enter Elizabeth I and Churchill who were thought to be answers to this legend. The Merovians of ancient Gaul were red headed and this was believed to give them magical powers.

'It is observed that the red-haired of both sexes are more libidinous and mischievous than the rest, whom yet they much exceed in strength and activity.' ~ Jonathon Swift 

So, all in all I am damn proud of my hair color and all of the mystery that surrounds it.  Blondes and brunettes can eat shit!

...some quotes that I found that I like - 

'Brunettes may be smarter, blondes may have more fun, but none are wrapped so tightly in mystery and intrigue.' ~ Unknown

"Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead." - Lucille Ball

"Nobody who has known a redhead can say that redheads are tame. Even shy redheads have a burning spark of adventure inside them. Opinionated, hotheaded, logical, loyal, friendly, reserved, whatever the redheads' personality, you can bet they'll have SCADS of it!" - Review of The Redhead Encyclopedia

"All throughout history, from Reuben to Robbins, redheads have been recognized as a rare breed. Blondes may have more fun, brunettes may be brainier, but when it comes down to raw energy, creativity, and personality ... you just can't beat a redhead well, you can, but beware ... she'll probably beat you back!" - Redheads Unlimited

"While the rest of the species is descended from apes, redheads are descended from cats." - Mark Twain

Out of the ash

I rise with my red hair

And eat men like air.

-Sylvia Plath

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